camgirl tax returnIf you are taking your web modeling business seriously you got to pay taxes. Otherwise sooner or later you’ll get in trouble with IRS that will result in fines and other problems. If you are making money but haven’t filed your taxes yet hurry up! April 15 is the deadline to file taxes (in US) and it’s coming close.

If the word Taxes scares you, don’t worry! There are many things you can write off your earnings which will leave you paying taxes on significantly smaller amount. So for example if you made $15,000 a year and spent $7000 for your business needs you will pay taxes only on remaining $8,000.

To file taxes you need the help of accountant. Don’t even bother doing it yourself. Accountants charge $50 – $200 but these money well worth it to make sure that everything is done right. Or you can use online services like TurboTax that will guide you through the whole process. But it may get complicated and it costs money too.

You should file taxes as self employed. As for the title of your job try to come up with something that doesn’t imply that it’s adult oriented. Many girl use “web model” and “webcam model”.

You do need to keep track of your expenses that you are going to write off. Those who file taxes as self-employed randomly get audited so you should be able to back up your expenses. The best way to keep track of your business expenses is to have separate credit card that you only use for things relating to your business. This way all your expenses will be in one place. Otherwise you’ll have to keep all your receipts. If you do collect the receipts make sure that you highlight which expenses are for business use in case there are other items on the receipt.

And now as promised here is the list of things you can write off. Note that some things can only be partially written off depending on how much you use them for the business. For example if you work from home you can write off your electricity expenses but only about 30% depending on how much you work per day. Here is the list:

  • percentage of rent
  • heat
  • electricity
  • water
  • internet
  • apartment repairs
  • office supplies
  • computer equipment
  • caming equipment
  • hair
  • makeup
  • nails
  • supplements
  • tanning
  • beauty products
  • waxing
  • clothes
  • lingerie
  • toys
  • lubricant
  • shoes
  • internet advertising
  • cam room decorations
  • cosmetic surgery
  • gas
  • airfare
  • train tickets
  • car
  • hotel


Webcam modeling business requires you to be beautiful in order to make money. And staying beautiful takes a lot of money as well. So why wouldn’t to use it as advantage and reduce to the minimum the taxes you have to pay? What else do you write off your webcam modeling expenses?


Do You Care How Your Site Is Doing?

by Alex Shwarz on March 19, 2010 · 2 comments

If you own a web site or blog and spend time on it you got to know how it is doing. Many cam girls start web site (or blog), keep it going for a couple of months and then give up because they don’t see any return for the work they put in it. That’s because they don’t check their site statistics. They don’t know the key metrics such as how many people visit their site every day, what keywords people use in Google to find your site, what other sites send you the traffic and so on. There is a FREE solution for accessing these statistics and it’s called Google Analytics.

Here are 4 key metrics that Google Analytics gives you (screenshots are taken from analytics data on my site, I’ve just blurred the real numbers he-he):

1. How Many Visitors You Get Every Day

As you can see it shows how many many unique people visited your site every day. If the same person visited your site 3 times a day he still will be counted as one person. See those spikes in traffic on the graph above? This is when I was sending news letter about my new articles. So you actually can see how certain actions you do on a web site are reflected in traffic increase (or decrease).

2. How Long Visitors Stays On Your Site

Bounce Rate means what percentage of visitors came and left right away from your site. This shows how your site is appealing to the 1st time visitors. So if bounce rate is high (above 70%) you need to put work into better design.

Avg. Time on Site shows how long (on average) your visitors stay on site. If this value is low (less than 2 minutes) it means that visitors don’t find your content interesting and you need to changes something (put more pictures, video, etc).

New Visits is the percentage of new visitors to your site. If this value is low it means that you have many repetitive visitors which is always good!

3. Traffic Sources

Shows what sites send you the traffic and how much of it. As you can see Google brings most of the traffic for my blog. And this is the case for many other web sites out there.

4. Keywords Your Visitors Used To Get To Your Site

Shows what keywords people used in Google to get to your site. For example if you see that “Asian Girl Fucking Blog” and other variations of this keyword brings you the most of the traffic, see if you are on the 1st page of Google for this phrase. And if you are, then there is a good chance that you can get to the first 3 spots on Google for this keyword. So start publishing more articles with this keyword putting it in a title and body of the article. Once you get to the 1st spot in google for your top keyword you’ll be amazed how much traffic you’ll be getting.

These are just 4 the most important key metrics that you can view through Google Analytics. There are other metrics that will give you even more details such as the most visited web pages on your site, top pages people leave your site from and so on.

It’s very easy to set up Google Analytics for your site. Here is a nice video I found that explains how to set it up and use:

YouTube Preview Image


Running your own web site is like running your own business. You can not just start it and let it go. You should pay attention to what’s going on around your web site and do necessary tweaks to make it better. Checking key metrics through Google Analytics is the must for every website owner.

If you have any questions about how to set it up for your web site or what different metrics mean don’t hesitate to ask in comments.


Simple SEO Tutorial For Cam Girls

by Alex Shwarz on March 11, 2010 · 2 comments

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which means making your site more exposed to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Search engines can give you crazy amount of visitor’s traffic that will buy your cam shows, picture sets, custom videos, and many more. Plus you can make good money through affiliate links. Possibilities are endless here. In this article I’m going to explain 4 steps you need to do to get search engines traffic. The more work you put into it the more traffic you will get.

First of all you need to have your own web site on your own domain name. You don’t want to send traffic to other sites. The best type of web site for this is Blog. Why blog? Because if you run your blog it means you update it regularly with text content (along with pictures and videos). And search engines love text, because this is what people use to make searches, right?

So assuming you have your own blog, here is how to perform SEO:

1. Find Relevant Keywords You Want To Optimize Your Blog For

You need to have a list of 20-30 keywords that are relevant to your blog. To find these keywords you should use Google AdWords Keyword Tool. It’s FREE and very effective. Just enter some keyword relevant to your blog, type characters you see in the picture  and click “Get keyword ideas” button. Make sure you checked “Include adult content in my keyword results”  in “Filter my results” option:

You need to look for those keywords that have Monthly Search Volume between 5,000 – 15,000. F’or example “asian girl fucking” has 9,900 monthly search volume and “asian teen fucking” has 4,400 (which is not that bad either). The point is you need to find as many such keywords as you can (e.g 20-30)

2. Check Competition For Every Found Keyword

To find the competition you go to Google and put every found keyword into search. If you are getting not more than 2 millions results this is the keyword you should use for SEO. For example “asian girl fucking” has only 2,900,000 results so you should put this keyword on your list:

As result you should get about 10-15 keywords that have pretty good search volumne and very little competition.

3. Use Found Keywords In Your Posts

You should always put one keyword in the title of the post and then use different variations of this keyword within the post’s body. Just don’t put too many keywords (Google doesn’t like it). Write your post for humans not for search engines. Try to keep every article at least 200 words long.

4. Get As Many Links To Your Blog As You Can Using Found Keywords

Links are the most important thing in SEO. You need to have back links to your blog from other sites – as many as you can. You should strive for text links rather than banner links. Every text link should have keyword found in step 2. E.g. you can ask your friend model to put “Asian Girl Fucking Blog” in her blog roll, use it in your Twitter account bio,  in your forum’s profile signatures, etc. Anywhere you can get text link on other sites, use your keywords.


As you can see it’s not a rocket since to do SEO. Although it can take some time to do the keyword research, write posts optimized for keywords and find text links back to your blog. But ones you master this, you’ll be amazed by the amount of traffic you start getting and how much more money you start making.


Every cam girl spends most of the time online interacting with fans or looking for new fans. But many just don’t realize how easy it is to make money online besides doing private cam shows. I’m going to show how you can make extra cash by doing affiliate marketing. But first we need to clarify what is affiliate link and who are affiliates.

Affiliate is a sales person on the Internet who earns commission from every sale made. But on Internet everything is a little different than in real life. To make a sale all you need to do is to send customer to the web site you are affiliated with. If this customer buys anything on that site you will get your commission. And to send customer you need him to click a special link which is called affiliate link.

Let me make an example if it sounds too confusing. Lets say you become an affiliate of Once you registered as affiliate Amazon gives you affiliate link like this:<Your_Affiliate_ID>

, where  <Your_Affiliate_ID> is unique ID assigned to you by Amazon. If somebody goes to Amazon via this link and buys something you will get 4% of the amount spent.

Well that was a basic example to help you understand how all this works. Most likely you are not interested in being affiliate for Amazon. But how about cam networks you work for?

Every cam network has an affiliate program. For example if you work for LiveJasmin just check out at the very bottom of they site and you will find Webmaster Wanted link.  Once you register as affiliate you will get your very special affiliate link. And now the magic happens. When you give this link to one of your fans (who is not registered with LiveJasmin yet) and he buys your show, you’ll earn $40 (even if he spends just few minutes in private). Or you can choose to use a different kind of affiliate link that will bring you 20% of what he spends on LiveJasmin for life with you or any other model.

Warning: you can’t share your affiliate link in free chat of cam networks you are working for. It’s against their terms of service. Also make sure you check with your network if it allows to open affiliate account besides having model’s account. Some cam networks don’t allow their models to become affiliates (which I think is really stupid).

All of this should sound good but you might be wondering how you can share your affiliate link with fans if you can’t dot this in free chats on cam networks. Here are some of many ways how you can do this:

1. Your Personal Blog

If you have your own blog you can put affiliate links inside your posts and on the side bar. This is how many people make money with blogs. If you keep your blog regularly updated your fans will come  back to read new posts. And these new posts can have affiliate links that will be clicked. The more fans your blog has the more money you can make through affiliate links. Plus you will get search engines traffic as well. I know people who make $50,000 – $100,000 a month(!) on their blogs in mainstream. And with adult content it’s much easier to build a solid fan base.

2. Twitter

I’ve already written how you can build a solid fan base on Twitter. When you treat your Twitter fans good and keep them updated with teasing pictures and videos they will be eager for every update you post. So once in a while you can put your affiliate link in one of the updates and many of your fans will follow this link and possibly make a purchase earning you the commission.

3. Forums

Forums can be another place where you can share your affiliate links in forum threads. You may start your own thread or you may participate in existing ones. Just make sure that your forums posts with affiliate links look natural, otherwise you will be banned for spamming.

4. Commenting On Other Blogs

Most of the blogs allow to comment on their posts. So you can post a comment with your affiliate link in it. Note that comments get moderated by real person before they are published so make sure it provides some value to the post. Otherwise blog owner won’t approve it.

5. Amazon

Ha-ha. We are going back to Amazon here. I’ve already written how you can build a wish list on Amazon to get gifts from your fans. And I’ve also explained above how Amazon’s affiliate program works. So you can combine these two together. You send your fans to buy something from your wish list through your affiliate link. No matter if your fan buys something from your wish list or buy something for himself, if he makes a purchase within 24 hours of using your affiliate link you’ll get your 4% commission.


Ok, that was a long post but I hope very worse reading. The point of all this is that by working as cam model you interact with your fans online a lot. During this communication you can send links in one form or another. Many sites whose links you send have affiliate programs. So why not to use a chance to earn extra cash? People make thousands dollars a day doing this in mainstream so why cam girls can’t take advantage of this as well?


Twitter could be a powerful tool for building a great fan base that is easy to convert into paying customers. You can get thousands of loyal fans that will pay for your shows, buy gifts from your wish lists, buy your autographed posters and many more. But how can you get thousands of followers on Twitter? I’m going to show you a little spammy but proven way of getting targeted followers.

1. Create Twitter Account (if you don’t have one)

If you don’t have Twitter account do it now. For the Twitter’s user name try to use your nickname from cam network or your website/blog name if you have one. Write some teasing introduction in your profile description and definitely upload a nice teasing picture (non-nude one). Make sure that it looks nice when it’s reduced to 48 X 48 pixels in size. For the best results use the close up of your face (the whole body won’t fit into 48 X 48 nicely).

2. Tweet Regularly on Twitter

As soon as you open Twitter account you should start twitting regularly so that your Twitter account looks alive. Try to send minimum 5-7 teasing twits a day with at least one teasing picture. Since the length of the twit is 140 characters max the total time you spend for all this is no more than 20 mins a day. Many cam girls are so addictive to Twitter that they can’t live without it and communicate with their fans all day long. Once your fan base starts growing on Twitter you can start promoting your cam shows and wish lists through your twits.

3. Think About Who Is Your Ideal Customer

You must already have some following if you work on cam network. Just look who is the most paying one in terms of age, work place, ethnicity, etc. If you don’t have any fan base yes just use your intuition. You need to visualize your ideal customer

4. Use Twitter Search To Find Your Ideal Customer Profile

Now you need to use the power of Twitter search. For example if you picture that your ideal customer is  a 40-45 years old man working in financial field, search for some financial terms and find tweets that contain these terms. Then look up the profile of the tweet’s author and at his profile picture (most of the guys put their face as profile picture). Also, look up how many followers this guy has. He should have at least 15-20K followers. So just find at least one guy who qualifies for your ideal customer profile. Or you can find top financial guys on Twitter through Google search.

5. Look Up Followers of the Chosen Profile And Start Following Some of Them Who Qualify

The reason this people following a guy you found in step 3 is because they are interested in what he’s twitting. So they should also qualify for you ideal customer to some extend. So just start looking through the long list of followers this guy has paying attention only to profile pictures to make sure that this is a male and of the similar age. You can easily look through 40 followers a minute and pick the ones that qualify.

And here is what happens for the other end. The guy who you picked to follow receives and email notifying him that he’s got a new follower. In this email he sees your profile picture and probably gets intrigued. He checks your profile, your recent twits and there is a good chance that he will follow you back.

6. Periodically Unfollow Those Who Don’t Follow You Back

Not every one who you follow will follow you back so you may end up following for example 800 people and only 500 people follow you back. Twitter profiles with such difference between number of followees and followers look spammy, so you need to unfollow those who don’t follow you back. It would be very time consuming and annoying to do this manually but luckily there are many free tools online that will make this process easy. One of such tools is Friend or Follow.


As you can see it’s not that hard to build a loyal fan base on Twitter. Just make sure that the content you share through your twits is not hardcore otherwise your account can be suspended and you’ll lose all your followers.

If you are new to Twitter and have questions please ask in comments section. Also it would be nice to hear some success stories how Twitters helps in your webcam modeling business.


I’ve already done similar promotion last year so you can read this article if you want some more details. I’m doing this promotion again this year. I’ll set up a web site (aka blog) for FREE for the first 5 models who contact me. Please use “Cam Girl Blog” in the subject of contact form. Also, contact me only if you are serious about it, i.e. if you understand how important it is to run your own site and ready to spend some time on it..

You’ll get the following:

  • Picking up the right domain name (if you don’t have one)
  • Installing blogging platform (the latest version of WordPress) on NakedHosting
  • Installing one of many available free designs; you’ll pick the one that you like
  • Installing all necessary plugins that will allow your site to have contact form, photo gallery, SEO, mailing list, etc
  • Explaining how to write posts, upload pictures, videos, etc
  • Installing Google Analytics that will allow you monitor traffic

Basically you’ll have ready to use web site that you can start updating with your new content (short articles, pictures and video) and start getting you own traffic of fans from search engines, other sites, social media, etc.

To make sure that you are serious and won’t waste my time I require you to sign up for the hosting from NakedHosting through this link. You will need hosting anyway and NakedHosting is what I recommend. Plus they run really nice promotion right now where you can get hosting for as cheap as $2.47 a month. So please use this link to subscribe to hosting account (I’ll get a small commission from this he-he).

Last time free spots got filled really fast so harry up! And let me know if you have any questions.

Update: all free spots are already taken. If you are interested in having your own blog check out eBook


Valentine’s Day is coming and cam girls for sure can take advantage of this event using wish lists. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting or already have established fan base. You have fans so you can ask them to buy you a gift from your wish list. If you don’t use wish lists yet, you losing free gifts and not the cheap ones. Here are 3 easy steps how to set up wish list:

  1. Create an account on Amazon. I wouldn’t recommend any other web sites since on Amazon you can find anything you want. Then go to the Wish List section  (click a link at top right) and set up your wish list profile with your picture in it:
  2. Fill out your wish list with everything you want! By browsing Amazon site you can add whatever product you like by clicking “Add to Wish List” button on the product details page.  Don’t be too greedy though. The items that you chose should be affordable.Also on Amazon you can install browser plugin that will place a button in your browser’s toolbar:

    What’s cool about this button is that you can add items to your Amazon’s wish list from any site on the internet. For example you found something cool on eBay. You just click this button and eBay’s item gets added to your Amazon’s wish list.
  3. Set up PO Box in your local post office. When you start getting a lot of gifts you don’t want to miss them when you are not at home. So let all these gifts go to your PO Box instead where you can pick them up whenever is convenient for you. Note that you will need to bring passport and proof of address to set up PO Box

And that’s it. Just share the link of your wish list wherever you can – your blog, Facebook, Twitter, emails, etc. If you already use wish lists and want to share some success stories please put it in comments.


Don’t Lose Your Face In Blog Comments

by Alex Shwarz on January 28, 2010 · 5 comments

One of the affective ways to promote your site is commenting on other blogs. To leave a comment you need to fill out your nickname, email and web site URL. Then when your comment appears in blog post your nickname is linked to your web site. This way you are getting a link which can drive traffic to your website. Search engines will consider this link as well in ranking your site.

I’ve noticed that many cam girls make one big mistake when they leave comments on other blogs. For example look at my last post comments:

As you can see none of cam girls comments have avatar picture (although mine has he-he). And the same happens on other blogs you comment on. It should be clear that without your avatar image your comment won’t be that attractive. Look how these comments would look if you have an avatar image:

When a horny guy sees the avatar picture like this he would most likely visit your website (by clicking your nickname). This is very affective marketing tactic. You can comment on non-adult blogs where you know your potential clients hang out and get fresh traffic to your site.

It’s very easy to make so that your avatar picture shows up on all blogs you comment (well most of them). All you need to do is go to and register there. The email address you specify during registration should be the one you use to comment on blogs. Then you should upload your avatar image and that’s it – it will show on most of your comments.

You need to have avatar image attached to your blog comments for the same reason you have it on Twitter or Facebook profile, i.e. to attract potential customers. Set it up once and you’ll start getting additional traffic to your site.


I’ve made a mistake that many beginner cam models do. I’ve trusted part of my business to 3rd party service and it has suspended my account for no reason. Here is what happened:

Last week my account at AWeber got banned due to violation of their Terms of Service. In particular they found my blog’s content as pornography and sex-related. WTF?! If you don’t know what AWeber is, it’s the best email marketing solution that allows building mailing list  and then send mass emails to all subscribers. If you have already subscribed to my newsletter (through subscribe to my newsletter popup form) you may have noticed that every time I publish new posts on my blog you get an email about this. I could do all this without AWeber but AWeber has very high deliverablity rate (so your email doesn’t end up in spam folder) and many more cool features.

So my AWeber account got suspended for the non-sense reason mentioned above, I’ve lost 89 email addresses that I’ve collected so far, my blog doesn’t have that nice popup subscribe box, I don’t have access to very useful reports about my subscribers, and so forth.

Now how it all relates to the title of this post. Many cam models fall exactly into the same trap. You may have opened account on MySpace or Facebook for example. Spend hours and hours building your fan base by shooting content (pictures and videos) and publishing it. Then suddenly random moderator finds your content pornography and sex-related and just closes your account due to violation of their Terms of Service. Or some of your fans reported. Or may be your competitor reported. The point is it could be multiple reasons your account will be closed and all efforts are gone.

That’s why you need to have your own site – your home on the internet. If you host it on adult friendly hosting there is no way it could by shut down (unless you publish content that violates the law). So spend all your efforts on your site. Publish pics and video to it and then use other sites to announce what you’ve published. If your account gets closed on these sites you lose nothing but some source of traffic.

Blog is the most easy to setup and very affective type of site for adult models. So start your blog today if you don’t have one yet.


Don’t Be Afraid To Become a Cam Model

by Alex Shwarz on January 5, 2010 · 0 comments

I’ve recently encountered this video where successful cam model AaliyahLove is interviewed by AllPornModels. I thought that this video will be interesting to those beginner girls who would like to become cam models but are terrified to make first steps.

Aaliyah was making $7/hour before she started her web cam modeling career 5 years ago. She found an ad in news paper and started working 1.5 hours a day in web cam studio. At her 1st day studio owner tought her to smile all the time, spank her ass and use sex toys in private. And she was really scared to use sex toys.

And now after 5 years in business Aaliyah runs her own membership site, she is 2009 and 2010 XBIZ Awards Nominee, is featured on front cover of popular magazines and enjoying her life.

So don’t be afraid to make first steps, act now! And if you have your own success story, please share it in comments.

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